CB Insights Endpoint Security Market Map

CB Insights Endpoint Security Market Map

CB Insights Endpoint Security Market Map 2023

Keyless has been featured as a Passwordless Authentication Vendor in CB Insights' Endpoint Security Market Map 2023.

In this report you will learn about:

Growing Demand for Endpoint Security: The rise in remote workforces and connected devices across industries necessitates stronger endpoint security solutions.

Human Factor in Cyberattacks: A significant portion of cyberattacks involves human error, highlighting the need for solutions that address both technology and user behavior.

Diverse Endpoint Security Market: An overview of 118 vendors across 15 categories, demonstrating the market's extensive scope and variety.

Funding and Industry Trends: Insights into the market's funding patterns and the headcount changes in various companies, reflecting industry dynamics.

Sector-Specific Security Challenges: Detailed analysis of different market segments like email security, IoT security, and multi-factor authentication, each addressing unique security challenges.