User Enrollment
Passively enroll new and existing users into Keyless using their IDV enrollment images, eliminating the need for further enrollment actions.

User Enrollment

Passively enroll new and existing users into Keyless using their IDV enrollment images, eliminating the need for further enrollment actions.

User Enrollment via IDV

Identity verification and authentication: the two pillars of the biometric identity lifecycle

IDV and authentication are two key pillars of the biometric identity lifecycle. Users first complete a static, one-time ID verification with a government-issued ID. Then for future actions like logging in, making payments, updating information, or recovering accounts, they then authenticate their biometrics against the original verification image.

Users have to enroll separately with IDV and biometric authentication providers. To avoid this, IDVs typically provide enrolled users with username/password and SMS OTP for multi-factor authentication, which are not secure.

The Keyless IDV Bridge: Completing the Identity Lifecycle for Rapid User Enrollment

The Keyless IDV Bridge simplifies biometric authentication by allowing users who have already completed one-time identity verification to enroll with Keyless without additional steps, meaning existing users can benefit from biometric authentication without any extra enrollment. This allows companies to rapidly implement biometric MFA for their entire user base effortlessly.

New users enrolling with an IDV are also automatically enrolled with Keyless. This feature also benefits larger organizations working with several IDVs, as the IDV Bridge facilitates integration with multiple IDVs in the same deployment. This streamlines the process across various geographies and differing regulatory environments.

Rapid Biometric Adoption

Organizations can rapidly increase biometric adoption rates by automating backend enrollment of existing users without requiring user action.

End-to-End Identity Lifecycle

Combines identity verification and authentication, eliminating weak points like usernames, passwords, or SMS OTPs.

Cost Reduction

Offers a more cost-effective, scalable solution preferred by many financial institutions, unlike transaction-based IDV models.

Future-Proof Scalability

Vendor-agnostic, allowing integration with multiple IDV providers to meet diverse customer needs, regardless of size or scope.

User Enrollment via Keyless Mobile SDK

New Users

Enrolling new users into Keyless via SDK can be completed in just a few short steps. Once users have verified their identity with an IDV provider, the Keyless SDK will activate the device’s camera and register the user’s face with Keyless - typically taking around 5 seconds. Once the user has been enrolled, they will be able to authenticate using their facial biometrics throughout the customer lifecycle - from logins and payments to step-up actions and recovering accounts.

Existing Users

Enrolling existing users into Keyless is straightforward. Users with an existing account simply register with Keyless, look into the camera, and complete the enrollment process. Once enrolled, they can use facial biometrics for all future actions, including logins, payments, step-up actions, and account recovery.

Get In Touch

Find out how our private-by-design MFA can help your organization prevent ATOs, improve UX, and protect your bottom line.