Secure Device Binding
Bind new devices to user accounts with biometric MFA to guarantee identity and ensure compliance with Strong Customer Authentication (SCA).

Secure Device Binding

Bind new devices to user accounts with biometric MFA to guarantee identity and ensure compliance with Strong Customer Authentication (SCA).
Device binding links a user’s device to their account, ensuring only that device can authenticate the user and reducing unauthorized access risks. It proves the user has the specific linked device, preventing the use of other devices for authentication and restricting account access to designated devices.

A required component of Strong Customer Authentication (SCA), this process significantly enhances security by making sure only trusted devices can access an account.

What is Device Binding?

Binding Devices to New Accounts

Typically, device binding means one device per account, but Keyless allows multiple devices to be linked to the same account. This adds a second authentication factor by combining biometrics with device possession with one glance at the camera.

By ensuring that each linked device is verified through both possession and biometric authentication, Keyless provides a robust and secure method of user verification.

How it works

Open "Settings"
Open "My Devices"
Select "Add Device"
View Registered Devices
Scan Optional QR Code
Face Authentication

Device Binding with Keyless

To bind a new device, instead of using costly SMS OTPs or call centers, Keyless uses a biometric selfie, making the process easier and more secure. This way, only the original user's face can authorize new devices, eliminating the need for re-enrollment. The process involves showing biometrics to both the new and the old device, ensuring proximity and ownership, and maintaining high security standards.

This method ensures that the transition to a new device is seamless and secure, maintaining the integrity of the account without compromising on convenience.

Improved User Experience

Simplify device binding for new devices with facial biometrics.

Reduced Costs

Save on costly SMS OTPs and call centers for device binding.

Ensure SCA Compliance

Ensure regulatory compliance by implementing biometric MFA for new devices.

Privacy-Preserving Biometrics

Keyless never stores biometric data anywhere - neither on the device nor on the cloud.

Get In Touch

Find out how our private-by-design MFA can help your organization prevent ATOs, improve UX, and protect your bottom line.